The colors of the markers on the map indicate real-time status information (according to SpaceAPI) of each hackerspace:
Currently open for visitors
Currently closed for visitors
No information available
Chaostreffs & Hackerspaces
Name | Address | Opening Hours | Website | Contact |
CCC Basel | Birsfelderstrasse 6 4132 Muttenz |
Every Tuesday from 19:30 | |
Mailing list Matrix |
CCC Zürich | Neue Hard 12 8005 Zürich |
Every Wednesday from 19:00 | |
Mailing list Matrix |
Chaostreff Bern | Kyburgstrasse 13 3013 Bern |
Every Tuesday from 19:00 | |
Mailing list |
Coredump | Eichwiesstrasse 4 8645 Jona |
Every Monday from 20:00 | | |
Eastermundingen | Steinbruchweg 16 3072 Ostermundigen |
Every Wednesday from 18:00 | |
Mailing list |
ODENWILUSENZ | Hardmorgenweg 21 8222 Beringen |
Every Wednesday from 19:00 | | |
Ruum42 | Andreasstrasse 5 9000 St. Gallen |
Every Tuesday from 18:30 | |
Your Chaostreff or hackerspace is missing from this list? Let us know, we'll gladly add you to the list.
The contact information of individual hackerspaces can be found in the above table.
If you want to get in touch with the swiss chaos in general, the best points of contact are:
- The swiss-chaos mailing list
- The CCC-CH Matrix space
We operate the following services for Chaostreffs in Switzerland:
- Mailing lists on the domain
- DNS delegation for $
If you want to make use of one of these services, please get in touch.